
<img> element

The <img> element embeds an image into the document.

There are two important attributes to use:

  • src defines the images location. It can be a relative or absolute URL
  • alt provides descriptive, alternative text for SEO and accessibility


Manly Beach
<img src="images/manly-beach.jpg" alt="Manly Beach">

Read more at MDN Web Docs: The Image element

Image dimensions

You can set the height and/or width of an image using the attributes height and width respectively.

Note: You do not need to provide the pixel units


Manly Beach
<img src="images/manly-beach.jpg" alt="Manly Beach" width="200" height="200">

Responsive images

Normally, CSS is used to allow the images to resize to their container to be "responsive".

Try resizing the container below by dragging the bottom right corner.

Manly Beach
img {
  max-width: 100%;