
Attribute syntax

  • All HTML elements can have attributes
  • Attributes provide additonal information about elements
  • Always specified in the start tag
  • Element attributes are normally made up of key and value, e.g. class="large"
  • However, they can be used with no value e.g. <input disabled>

Always use quotes

You can write the value of an attribute without quotes, but this is not best practice as a space will break the value

It's up to you whether to use single ' or double " quotes.
Most projects will use double quotes.


<p class=bigtext>Content goes here...</p>


<p class="bigtext">Content goes here...</p>

Common attributes

idThis value must be unique on the page.
Used for CSS, internal page linking and JavaScript
<div id="one"></div>
classUsed to style elements with common properties.
Can contain multiple class names in the value (space separated)
<p class="large"></p>
srcUsed on embedded content elements. Is the URL path of content, e.g. image<img src="/path/to/image.png">
hrefThe URL of a linked resource. Most commonly used on anchor tags to navigate<a href="index.html"></a>
typeDefines the type of element. Commonly used on inputs and buttons<input type="password">
forDescribes the form element which has an id value matching this for value<label for="firstname"></label>
hiddenHides the given element from the user, but keeps element in the DOM<p hidden></p>
data-*Allows custom data to be attached to the HTML element. Useful when combined with JS<div data-name="iain"></div>

Full reference at MDN Web Docs: HTML attribute reference